2021 Tintero Barbera d’Alba 750ml
2021 Tintero Barbera d’Alba 750ml
Barbera is one of Italy’s great grape varieties. It grows across the country, from Piedmont to Emilia-Romagna and even across the Tyrrhenian sea to Sardinia. Its origin is most likely Piedmont, where it is made into a multitude of styles and where it occasionally plays a supporting role with Nebbiolo and Dolcetto.
Marco Tintero’s great grandparents established the family estate in the quaint town of Mango, with the home and winery perched atop a steep hill planted to Moscato. Truth be told, this part of Piedmont is Moscato country and many local wine growers specialize in the production of softly-sweet, fizzy wines. But Marco’s talent reaches beyond this style and he does a brilliant job crafting reds suited to the savoury end of the meal. This rendition of Barbera is bright, punchy and charmingly fruity. It is quintessential Barbera with an abundance of acidity, making it a remarkably effective pairing to rich, fatty foods. Paired with rigatoni alla zozzona, this wine will contrast the unctuous nature of this dish, providing its imbiber a refreshing reset between spoonfuls of ragù.
– 750 ml Bottle
– Must provide 18+ ID at the time of delivery